Spreading the word about heart-centered people sharing their amazing work.

Lisa is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Masters in Counselling Psychology. Lisa is available for counselling both online and in-person in Vancouver, BC. She specializes in developmental trauma, attachment and relationships, self-esteem, grief and loss, and personal growth and life transitions.

Lilian makes amazing peanut butter and she is a SUPER lovely person. Check out her podcast HERE. (Vancouver, BC)

A talented artist, Mahan is THE eyebrow master. She has an eye for beauty and takes her time and skills with each client. Check her services out at Classic Holiday Studio in East Van. (Vancouver, BC)

Sharon (my sister) and her partner, Dylan, have put so much hard work into their cafe. They built it from ground up in 2019 in pursuit to offer their small town healthier food options, as well support more sustainable and compassionate lifestyle choices. Check out their cozy and bright vegan cafe by the ocean for delicious healthy meals and treats! I am so proud you, Sharon! And mom would be too. (Ucluelet, BC)